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Do you remember the movie "Eyes Wide Shut"? This specific Erotic Event is based on a major scene of the movie. In this mystical ambiance you will be wearing a mask and a black coat with a hood! Enjoy a mysterious night where your deepest desires will be fulfilled in total anonymityÉ

Only guests who have a special password and are dressed as per dresscode will be allowed entrance to this very special party night.

Whereas it was exceptionally difficult to get the adequate password in the movie we have simplified the procedure a little bit. You will find your password in an envelope in your room. This password will be your key with which you can borrow a black coat at the reception during the day. Adequate masks – also mandatory to wear – can be bought at the hotel or you just bring them along from home. Wonderful venician masks can be bought at

As of 10 pm a designated area of the hotel is only accesible for participants of the mystical erotic night. After you have passed the tough password control you will be welcomed by mystical music full with excitement. Black shapes strolling around, inquisitive views go around, because nobody knows who is behind the masks .....

A little bit later atmospheric Piano music from the „Eyes Wide Shut“ movie will sound and the master of ceremonies strides to the thrilling opener of the evening. What will happen further? We maintain silence but be assured this will be a night you will never forget and you will take home some of the best experiences.

It is all about excitement, about lust and passion. And it is about fantasy... Talking about fantasy – this will be the interactive part of this event. We would like to help you to convert your fantasies. Talk to us!

Who knows ... all your dreams and wishes might be fulfilled during this very special night.

The mystical erotic nicht – "Eyes Wide Shut under palms" – a very spezial highlight of your vacation.


Here you get your masks